Gnostic New Age Receives Award

I was just notified that my new book, The Gnostic New Age, has been selected to receive a subvention award from the Figure Foundation.  This foundation very selectively supports publications, mainly in philosophy and religion.  I am delighted.  My book will be published in September. 

If you are interested in reading some of the pre-publication reviews, they are available HERE.

Religion: Social Religion now published

In two days two articles have come out that I have long awaited.  I began writing this article on cognitive historicism several years ago when I was leading a Mellon Seminar at Rice.  Because I was working to integrate cognitive linguistics with historical methods, I was treading new ground.  So it took a while.  But finally after intense revision and rethinking, a version emerged that I finished last year.   It is published today in the second volume of the interdisciplinary handbooks on religion (Religion: Social Religion) by MacMillan.