Book Note: The Glory of the Invisible God by Andrei Orlov


Andrei Orlov’s newest book has been released, this time engaging the controversy over the two powers in heaven offering us his own insights especially as they relate to Christology. He works through Daniel, the rabbinic reports, pseudepigrapha, and Christian sources (particularly the transfiguration and baptism of Jesus). He follows out his insight that God manifests himself aurally as well as visually according to the Jewish and Christian literary traditions. When the two powers come into play, Orlov observes that the aural manifestations are reserved for the God the First Power while the ocularcentric are used for the Second Power. Orlov writes, “Often in such accounts, God becomes confined solely to the aural mode, while the second power absorbs the whole legacy of the ocularcentric trend formerly possessed by the deity.” What a wonderful observation! The rest of Orlov’s book works through how this works and what it says about Jesus. Orlov includes a comprehensive bibliography listing texts and translations, and secondary literature, making his book a key resource for anyone interested in Christology.

Here is a LINK to more information about the book.