Happy New Year!

These last few weeks have been family-filled, quite literally. My in-laws stayed with us since December 10th and celebrated with us my son's fifth birthday and Christmas. So I have not been near the computer to blog on anything, nor has my mind been particularly thinking about academics lately. But now I have taken down the tree, my in-laws have gone home, and on monday Alexander goes back to school, as do I.

I extend my blessings for a good New Year to all my readers and their families and friends. Next week, I will get back to regular posts, including apocryphotes.

For now, Kelly Sonora sent me a link to Jessica Merritt's "Top 50 Ancient History Blogs" and the Forbidden Gospels, as well as Apocryphicity and Paleojudaica made it! Thanks Kelly.

UPDATE: and Jared's blog Antiquitopia.